Determining the Correct Ring Size with our Online Ring Sizer Tool
Getting a proper fit is important for both comfort and security. A ring should slip on the finger fairly easily, but come off with a little bit of effort.
Establishing the correct size can be a little tricky. Finger sizes are subject to fluctuations, as fingers can grow and shrink due to different factors. When your body is warm your fingers will be bigger and when you are cold your fingers shrink. Swelling due to exercise, salty foods, or monthly cycles can impact your finger size. It is important to take these things into consideration in order to establish an accurate normal finger size.
All orders must be placed in US sizes. If you know your size in your country, you can find the equivalent US size on the chart in the online “Find My Ring Size” tool at the bottom of this page.
If you are estimating a finger size, such as in the case of a surprise, there are things you can do to give yourself a good chance of getting the correct size. Often a family member or friend will know the finger size, so ask around. If you have a ring that you know your recipient wears on the intended finger, and is a comfortable fit, you can use it to determine the finger size.
Whiteflash provides two good options below to help you determine an accurate ring size. The best option, if the ring is not going to be a surprise, is to physically measure the finger with a set of ring sizers that we will send you at no charge. To receive a free ring sizer please contact your diamond consultant or log into your account to use the provided order form. Another option is to use the handy Find My Ring Size online tool.
Below you will find a versatile online tool to help you determine the correct ring size. Within this tool you will find tabs for measuring an existing ring, measuring a finger, frequently asked questions, ring size tips, and an International Ring Size Conversion Chart to find equivalent sizes in the US system. All Whiteflash orders must be placed in US size.
*Please note: This tool currently works only with desktop computers. It is still in development for mobile devices.