While Whiteflash specializes in GIA & AGS round brilliant and princess cut certified ideal diamonds, we regularly provide all diamond shapes and carat weights that you might desire. Whether it is a Whiteflash branded in-stock diamond from our
A CUT ABOVE®, Expert Selection or Premium Select brands, or you happen to be looking for a cushion cut or asscher, oval or pear shape, we offer a full range of diamonds and we will always work hard to provide the best possible option to meet your specific preferences. And for customers shopping for the finest in laboratory grown diamonds, Whiteflash now offers our
Precision Lab brand. Our gemological review team provides a thorough inspection, and a knowledgeable Whiteflash diamond consultant will provide any guidance or assistance you may need. We specialize in GIA and AGS diamonds featuring the most stringent and exacting standards for cut quality, the two most trusted gemological labs in the world. Please see the following for information on the topic of