Jewelry Career Fair Inspires Attendees to Find Their Niche
Tiffany Moore , Wednesday, November 15, 2006
From GIA, Carlsbad, Calif. - For 875 job seekers, the Gemological Institute of America’s West Coast Jewelry Career Fair on Oct. 27 was a day for meeting recruiters, learning from experienced professionals, and finding their niche in an industry that ranges from laboratoryto retail to entrepreneurial callings.
These candidates met with 36 recruiting companies from throughout the jewelry industry. “I am proud to say that Career Fair is the largest recruiting event in the industry, and this year is no exception,” said Kathryn Kimmel, Career Fair creator and GIA’s vice president of Marketing and Public Relations.
“GIA Career Fair is the place to meet and screen qualified people in our industry,” said Kalpesh Jhaveri, CEO of K.R. Gems & Diamonds.
In addition to recruiting, several filled-to-capacity seminars featured industry leaders giving insight on how to make it in the trade. In “Starting Your Own Business,” Fine Gems International’s Robert Kane advised, “Always take the time to learn and become an expert.”
Matt Runci, president and CEO of Jewelers of America and panelist in “Working to Win,” told attendees, “There are three words that capture the spirit and essence of the industry – people, dreams, and trust.”
Runci explained that their future success will depend on their relationships with others, fulfilling the dreams of the consumer, and a “commitment to excellence that leaves doubt at the door.”
Throughout the event, job seekers began to establish industry relationships during one-on-one career coaching sessions with 36 seasoned professionals.
“The coaches were incredible. They were so willing to offer help, and if they didn’t have the answer, they found out and got back to me,” said GIA Distance Education student Neysa Fulsome.
In addition to the career-enhancing opportunities, GIA’s Open House portion of the event gave the public a chance totour the Institute’s campus, take in several classroom demonstrations, and view the GIAMuseum exhibit “Celebrating Excellence in Gems and Jewelry.” Among the jewelry on display are several pieces on loan from the Smithsonian Institution and Canada’s Royal Ontario Museum.
Now in its 16th year, Career Fair was founded by GIA and The Jewelers 24 Karat Club of Southern California. The JCK International Publishing Group and The Jewelers 24 Karat Club of Southern California are the prime sponsors for GIA’s West Coast Career Fair. For more information about Career Fair,visit