Tacori is a world-renowned jeweler, one that can be recognized by several signature touches that make their rings unmistakably Tacori. The Tacori Clean Crescent Collection pays homage to their trademark crescent silhouette but with a re-imagined feel. The center diamond is set in a French cut diamond band that is highlighted with a smaller, sleek crescent pattern. It is this skill in creating the most striking sparkle that makes couples choose Tacori for their engagement ring again and again.
This collection in particular has a contemporary feel, making it perfect for the woman who embodies effortless beauty. She approaches everything she does with charm and polish, she’s seldom flustered and always drawing admiring glances.
Each engagement ring in the Clean Crescent Collection is an instant classic – a future family heirloom that will add sophistication to the outfit of every woman who wears it. For generations to come, a Clean Crescent ring is a ring to be treasured.
The rings in the Clean Crescent Collection are handcrafted by master craftsmen in California, who work tirelessly to make each ring a work of art. In fact, rings from this collection have been spotted on the most illustrious of red carpets, from the Oscars to the Golden Globes. If you pick a Clean Crescent ring, you really are in award-winning company.