100 Percent Satisfied
Thanks for the email. I meant to email you earlier to update you but I was busy traveling for the holidays and I was not around my computer as much.
My brother isn?ˆ™t in the market for a diamond currently, but it would not shock me if he started looking in the near future, I have told him already of my positive dealings with you and all of Whiteflash, and I will make sure to really advise him to look to Whiteflash for his ring. I am 100 percent satisfied with the ring I received and the entire process leading up to it. I will have no problems referring anyone I know in the market for a diamond to you guys. One of my main reasons for shopping online was that I did not like the pressure associated with shopping in a brick and mortar store. All my previous dealings in jewelers stores were with people trying to get me to buy anything and everything immediately. You let me dictate the shopping and researching and not once did I feel rushed or pressures. It did not feel like you were selling me something, it felt like you were helping me buy something, and that is how it should be. I thank you for that.
I will let you know if there is anyone you can help with buying a diamond for and keep you updated on my ring situation should I ever need any modifications. Thank you again.
Stephen, Texas, USA