Really Impressed
So I brought the diamond in to be mounted, and the jeweler started inspecting the diamond. He asked me a few questions on the spec''s, I told him it was an AGS triple zero diamond. He looked impressed, and continues inspecting. He proceeds to call over his colleague, who apparently is the resident senior expert. Anyways the senior guys starts inspecting and was completely impressed. His exact words were ""thats a beautiful diamond, perfect""! He brought out one of those scopes similar to the ones you sent me and we all looked at the hearts and arrows! My 1st jeweler apparently hasn''t really seen these diamonds before. Needless to say, its pretty exciting to bring a diamond in that impresses even veteran jewelers. A big very respected jeweler in Boston none the less. So I am very happy with my purchase, being an engineer I am completely anal about perfection. Looks like I have the perfect diamond. thanks for the help!
Cavan, Singapore