My fiance absolutely loves her ring!
Buying from Whiteflash was very satisfying. The website is informative, helpful and beautifully presented. I especially liked the diamond photography, which helped me to make an intelligent choice. The photography, grading report ASET and IdealScope images resourced me to select my diamond by the eye as well as by the numbers. When I was ready to purchase, my consultant was very helpful. Afterwards, payment, confirmation, shipping and delivery were all handled very efficiently. My fiance absolutely loves her ring and it has received favorable comment from family, friends and even strangers, all of whom are attracted to the unusual brightness of her diamond. Buying an engagement ring is a substantial commitment, no matter what the circumstances or budget of the individual. Despite this, I was not at all intimidated because I was so sure of my purchase. Again, this is because Whiteflash provides all of the resources to allow a thoroughly informed purchase. In fact, buying online from Whiteflash was far more reassuring than purchasing from a retail store.
A reassuring pleasure of owning a wonderful piece of jewelry is knowing that it was produced by a dedicated team of individuals who are committed to giving their best and who can be counted among the very best anywhere.
John L, Ohio, USA