What the heck, are those laser beams coming out of it?!?!
January 16, 2006

What the heck, are those laser beams coming out of it?!?!

Well everything went PERFECT over the weekend! I proposed Friday night and she quickly and very excitedly said ?ˆ?yes?ˆ?! On our first date we were supposed to go to dinner and then ice skating on Boston Common; well, the restaurant was packed and then dinner went so well that we didn?ˆ™t have time to go ice skating. We have been talking about how we need to go skating ever since (over 3 years ago!) so I gave her ice skates for Christmas and scheduled a date (Saturday which then changed to Friday). So Friday I left work early, picked up some nice roses, some really nice chocholate, a nice bottle of champagne (and some nice champagne flutes), and went home and cleaned the house spotless (I hid the champagne and chocolates to avoid really tipping her off). When she got home I gave her the roses and explained that I got off work a little early so I figured I would surprise her with a clean house because she has been so busy and stressed recently. She was very excited and I found out later that she was a little suspicious that I was going to propose that night until I left my coat at home (it was 60 degrees out in Boston in January?ˆ¦go figure!). I didn?ˆ™t have anywhere to hide the box so I just put the ring in my pocket (wrapped loosley in tinfoil to avoid it slipping out, and so I could get it off before I took it out of my pocket!). I guess she was a little disapointed when I told her I wasn?ˆ™t bringing my coat. Well we went ice skating and then walked through the Commons towards the restaurant where we shared out first date. I was trying to make our way across the Commons to the Public Gardens but she suddenly gained a sense of direction and insisted that the restaurant was the other way?ˆ¦she knew where she was going for about the first time ever of course so I just proposed right there. She was so exicted and happy and absoultely LOVED the diamond!!! It looked even bigger and more beautiful once she put it on her finger! Everyone who has seen the ring has been shocked at how gorgeous (and big) it is. Here are a few comments she?ˆ™s heard: ?ˆ?Holy sparkles!!!?ˆ? (our recently engaged friend Teresa) ?ˆ?What the heck, are those laser beams coming out of it?!?!?ˆ? (Teresa?ˆ™s fiance Greg) ?ˆ?Vanessa put that ring away I can?ˆ™t see the TV because of the reflection?ˆ? (our friend Kate during the game) Her recently married friend who is really into diamonds is coming over today to ?ˆ?inspect?ˆ?. I can?ˆ™t wait to hear her reaction because you could tell she was a little nervous/skeptical when she heard over the phone that I got it online (I told my fiancee Vanessa that she has to tell her the spec?ˆ™s and tell her that it is AGS certified so she doesn?ˆ™t leave thinking it is too good to be real). The stone looks beautiful and she loves every aspect of it (including the inclusions which were nicely hidden by the setting; she actually likes the inclusions because she can look at it and know it is hers and it is unique, yet noone would be able to see them without really taking the ring off and inspecting, kind of our own little secret!). I really like how it changes character under different lighting! I have also been having a lot of fun showing her your site and Pricescope and explaining how I made my decision (I think she?ˆ™s impressed). It is nice to be able to finally share that fun experience with her! Thank you so much for all your help! We will send some hand shots as soon as I get a chance to download the pictures! Sorry about the really long e-mail, I am just very excited! Thanks again!
Mike and Vanessa, China


I really appreciate the help from you and White Flash team to bring my dream ring to life.
July 25, 2024
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Minh Nhat B, Washington, USA
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July 22, 2024
It’s absolutely perfect. Thanks so much!
Mark F, Florida, USA
It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned.
July 22, 2024
I’m loving it. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned. Thank you for all of your help!
Corey L, Illinois, USA
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July 22, 2024
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John S, Singapore

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